48+ Highest PAYING INSURANCE KEYWORDS: Monetize Your Website

Discover the top high-paying insurance keywords to monetize your blog or website. Target keywords like life insurance, car insurance, health insurance, and more for maximum CPC and revenue.

If you are looking to monetize your insurance-related blog or website, it’s important to target high CPC (Cost Per Click) keywords that are relevant to your sub-niche. By incorporating these keywords into your content, you can attract valuable traffic and maximize your online advertising revenue. In this article, we will provide you with a comprehensive list of 48+ highest paying insurance keywords that can give your website a significant boost. Let’s dive in!

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. General Highest Paying Insurance Keywords
  3. Highest Paying Insurance Keywords in the USA
  4. Conclusion
  5. FAQs


In the highly competitive insurance industry, strategic keyword targeting is essential to stand out from the crowd and reach your target audience effectively. By selecting high CPC keywords, you increase the potential earnings from online advertising on your website or blog. Below, we have compiled a list of top-paying insurance keywords that are commonly searched for in the industry. These keywords have substantial search volumes and offer attractive CPC rates.

48+ Highest Paying Insurance Keywords

If you are looking to monetize your insurance-related blog or website, targeting high-paying keywords is crucial. To help you get started, here is a list of 48+ highest paying insurance keywords:

KeywordSearch VolumeCPCPaid DifficultySEO Difficulty
Life insurance823,000$12.140.620.79
Car insurance1,000,000$26.500.730.85
Health insurance1,500,000$19.800.670.82
Insurance companies246,000$18.350.520.74
Homeowners insurance450,000$20.910.650.81
Business Insurance165,000$17.600.550.76
Disability insurance90,500$11.790.450.69
Pet insurance110,000$11.100.430.68
Travel Insurance201,000$14.620.510.73
Motorcycle Insurance201,000$20.040.540.75
Dental Insurance246,000$10.950.420.67
RV Insurance40,500$18.220.360.62
Liability insurance74,000$15.280.380.64
Flood Insurance60,500$18.450.410.66
Umbrella Insurance74,000$17.920.390.65
Boat Insurance90,500$18.680.370.63
Renters Insurance110,000$17.320.380.64
Commercial Insurance90,500$16.750.350.61
Whole life insurance90,500$15.980.340.60
Auto Insurance1,000,000$25.450.710.84
Critical illness insurance33,100$14.200.320.59
Long-term care insurance40,500$15.910.330.60
Term life insurance90,500$12.450.28
KeywordSearch VolumeCPCPaid DifficultySEO Difficulty
Workers compensation insurance60,500$19.760.410.66
General liability insurance110,000$17.820.380.64
Professional liability insurance60,500$16.940.360.63
Personal injury protection90,500$18.250.390.65
Home insurance823,000$20.320.640.80
Renters insurance165,000$18.150.560.77
Car insurance quotes201,000$27.890.730.85
Cheap car insurance201,000$23.100.690.83
Affordable health insurance110,000$20.760.650.81
Affordable car insurance110,000$21.430.660.82
Small business insurance74,000$19.080.580.78
Homeowners insurance quotes40,500$21.570.610.79
Affordable life insurance60,500$17.900.550.76
Dental insurance plans90,500$12.760.490.72
Liability insurance for small business60,500$18.060.540.75
Best health insurance90,500$19.750.600.78
Auto insurance quotes165,000$26.920.720.85
Commercial auto insurance40,500$21.900.610.79
Group health insurance74,000$19.330.570.77
Commercial liability insurance33,100$17.650.520.74
General insurance90,500$16.180.480.71
Cheap home insurance60,500$18.320.530.74
Best car insurance90,500$23.140.680.83
Business liability insurance74,000$17.920.550.76
Private health insurance33,100$19.010.59

Table: 48+ Highest Paying Insurance Keywords with KD, Search Volume, and CPC

General Highest Paying Insurance Keywords

  1. Life insurance: With a KD (Keyword Difficulty) score of 79 and an average monthly search volume of 135,000, life insurance is a highly profitable keyword. It offers a CPC rate of $37.20, making it one of the most lucrative options in the insurance industry.
  2. Car insurance: Another popular keyword, car insurance has a KD score of 75 and an average monthly search volume of 90,500. It provides a CPC rate of $35.60, offering a great opportunity to generate substantial revenue.
  3. Health insurance: Health insurance is a high-demand keyword with a KD score of 79 and an average monthly search volume of 74,000. It boasts a CPC rate of $31.80, making it a profitable choice for insurance-related content.
  4. Insurance companies: Targeting insurance companies as a keyword can be highly rewarding, with a KD score of 76 and an average monthly search volume of 12,100. The CPC rate for this keyword is $30.60.
  5. Homeowners Insurance: Homeowners insurance is another keyword with significant potential, featuring a KD score of 75 and an average monthly search volume of 27,100. It offers a CPC rate of $26.90.
  6. Business Insurance: For those focusing on commercial insurance, the keyword “business insurance” is an excellent choice. It has a KD score of 78, an average monthly search volume of 6,600, and a CPC rate of $22.30.
  7. Disability insurance: Disability insurance is a niche keyword with a KD score of 75 and an average monthly search volume of 2,400. It provides a CPC rate of $18.30.
  8. Pet insurance: Pet insurance is gaining popularity, and targeting this keyword can be profitable. With a KD score of 73 and an average monthly search volume of 5,400, it offers a CPC rate of $16.80.
  9. Travel Insurance: Travel insurance is essential for many travelers, and it represents an opportunity for content creators. It has a KD score of 72, an average monthly search volume of 9,900, and a CPC rate of $15.90.
  10. Motorcycle Insurance: Motorcycle insurance is a specialized insurance type with potential for high CPC rates. It has a KD score of 71, an average monthly search volume of 5,400, and a CPC rate of $15.20.
  1. Dental Insurance: Dental insurance is a niche keyword in the insurance industry. With a KD score of 73 and an average monthly search volume of 9,900, it offers a CPC rate of $13.80.
  2. RV Insurance: RV (Recreational Vehicle) insurance is a targeted keyword with a KD score of 69, an average monthly search volume of 2,400, and a CPC rate of $11.90.
  3. Liability insurance: Liability insurance is crucial for businesses and individuals. It has a KD score of 72, an average monthly search volume of 4,400, and a CPC rate of $11.50.
  4. Flood Insurance: Flood insurance is relevant to areas prone to flooding. It has a KD score of 70, an average monthly search volume of 6,600, and a CPC rate of $10.30.
  5. Umbrella Insurance: Umbrella insurance is an additional coverage option for individuals and businesses. It has a KD score of 68, an average monthly search volume of 3,600, and a CPC rate of $9.60.

These are just a few examples of the highest paying insurance keywords available. Remember that search volumes, CPC rates, and KD scores can vary based on location, competition, and search intent. It’s crucial to conduct thorough keyword research to identify the most profitable options for your specific niche.

Highest Paying Insurance Keywords in the USA

If you’re operating in the insurance industry in the USA, targeting keywords that are relevant to your business and location can further optimize your website or content. Here are some of the top highest paying insurance keywords in the USA, along with their corresponding KD scores, search volumes, and CPC rates:

  1. Life insurance: KD 79 | Search Volume: 135,000 | CPC: $37.20
  2. Car insurance: KD 75 | Search Volume: 90,500 | CPC: $35.60
  3. Health insurance: KD 79 | Search Volume: 74,000 | CPC: $31.80
  4. Insurance companies: KD 76 | Search Volume: 12,100 | CPC: $30.60
  5. Homeowners Insurance: KD 75 | Search Volume: 27,100 | CPC: $26.90
  6. Business Insurance: KD 78 | Search Volume: 6,600 | CPC: $22.30
  7. Disability insurance: KD 75 | Search Volume: 2,400 | CPC: $18.30
  8. Pet insurance: KD 73 | Search Volume: 5,400 | CPC: $16.80
  9. Travel Insurance: KD 72 | Search Volume: 9,900 | CPC: $15.90
  10. Motorcycle Insurance: KD 71 | Search Volume: 5,400 | CPC: $15.20
  11. Dental Insurance: KD 73 | Search Volume: 9,900 | CPC: $13.80
  12. RV Insurance: KD 69 | Search Volume: 2,400 | CPC: $11.90
  13. Liability insurance: KD 72 | Search Volume: 4,400 | CPC: $11.50
  14. Flood Insurance: KD 70 | Search Volume: 6,600 | CPC: $10.30
  15. Umbrella Insurance: KD 68 | Search Volume: 3,600 | CPC: $9.60

It’s important to note that the search volume, CPC, and keyword difficulty (KD) for each keyword can vary based on factors such as location, competition, and search intent. While targeting high-paying keywords is important, creating relevant and high-quality content is equally crucial to engage your audience and drive traffic to your website.

By incorporating these high paying insurance keywords into your content, you can improve your online advertising revenue and boost your website’s search engine rankings. However, it’s essential to provide value to your readers by offering informative and engaging content that addresses their needs and concerns.

In conclusion, targeting high CPC insurance keywords is a strategic approach to monetizing your insurance-related blog or website. Conduct thorough keyword research to identify the most relevant and lucrative options for your sub-niche. Create quality content that not only incorporates these keywords but also provides value and engages your audience. By doing so, you can maximize your online advertising revenue and create a positive user experience.


  1. What does CPC mean in insurance keywords? CPC stands for Cost Per Click and refers to the amount advertisers are willing to pay for each click on their ads related to specific keywords. High CPC rates indicate that advertisers consider those keywords valuable and are willing to invest more to attract traffic.
  2. Are these insurance keywords suitable for any location? While the keywords listed here have been researched and found to be high paying, it’s important to note that search volumes, CPC rates, and keyword relevance can vary based on location. Conduct local keyword research to identify the best keywords for your specific target audience.
  3. How can I incorporate these keywords into my content? It’s essential to integrate the keywords naturally within your content. Use them in headings, subheadings, and throughout the body of your articles or blog posts. However, avoid keyword stuffing, as it can negatively impact the readability and user experience of your content.
  4. Should I focus solely on high paying keywords? While targeting high paying keywords is important, it’s equally crucial to create valuable, informative, and engaging content. The ultimate goal is to attract and retain readers. Balancing high-paying keywords with quality content will result in a positive user experience and long-term success.
  5. How often should I update my content with new keywords? It’s beneficial to periodically review and update your content with new keywords to stay relevant and maintain a competitive edge. Regularly conduct keyword research to identify emerging trends, high CPC keywords, and topics of interest within your insurance sub-niche.

Incorporating these high paying insurance keywords into your content can significantly impact your website’s revenue potential. However, remember that providing value to your readers and delivering quality content should always be the primary focus. Stay informed about industry trends and continuously optimize your content strategy to maximize your online advertising revenue.


Targeting high CPC insurance keywords is a strategic approach to monetizing your insurance-related blog or website. By identifying and incorporating these high paying keywords into your content, you can attract more traffic and potentially increase your online advertising revenue. However, it’s important to remember that success goes beyond simply using keywords.

To truly engage your audience and provide value, focus on creating informative and well-crafted content. Your articles should address the needs and concerns of your target audience, offering insights, advice, and solutions. By delivering quality content that incorporates relevant high paying keywords, you can build credibility, attract loyal readers, and ultimately achieve long-term success.

Remember to stay updated with the latest industry trends and conduct regular keyword research to identify emerging topics and high CPC keywords within your insurance sub-niche. By consistently optimizing your content strategy, you can maintain a competitive edge and maximize your revenue potential.

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