How to get Google AdSense Approval Fast?

Unlock the Secret to Google AdSense Success! Learn How to Get Google AdSense Approval Fast – Top Tips Inside! 🚀 #AdSense #Approval #Fast

Are you eager to get Google AdSense approval in just 24 hours? Hi there, it’s Mohit from the techs4best YouTube channel, and I’ve got some fantastic tips and tricks to help you achieve AdSense approval quickly within a day.

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1. Create High-Quality Human Content

While AI technology like Chat GPT has become popular for content creation, Google prefers human-written content on its platform. Human-written articles are more meaningful and engaging compared to robotic AI content. So, if you want to increase your chances of getting Google AdSense approval, opt for human-written articles that resonate with your audience. Avoid relying on AI-generated content, as it may not rank well on Google’s first page.

2. Use a Lightweight Theme for AdSense Approval

Website speed plays a crucial role in obtaining AdSense approval. Optimize your website by using a lightweight theme that enhances speed and user experience. A fast-loading site attracts organic viewers and boosts your chances of AdSense approval. Consider using themes like Bimber, Generatepress, or Astra, as they are AdSense-friendly and help improve your site’s performance.

3. Generate Organic Traffic From Google Ads

Drive organic traffic to your website by running Google Ads campaigns. Promote your site through ads and optimize them to attract the right audience. Additionally, invest in SEO strategies to rank your site higher on Google search results. The combination of organic traffic and solid SEO efforts creates a positive impression, increasing your chances of AdSense approval.

4. Connect Your Site to All Search Engines

Don’t limit yourself to Google Search Console; connect your site to other webmaster tools like Bing Webmaster Tool, Yandex Webmaster, and Yahoo Webmaster Tool. Ensure that all your pages and categories are indexed correctly and resolve any errors or issues, such as 404 errors or AMP problems, before applying for AdSense.

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5. Article Length & Minimum Posts for Google AdSense

To be eligible for AdSense approval, aim to have at least 25 articles on your website. These articles should be interlinked and optimized for search engines. Each article should be 600-800 words long and must be entirely human-written. Make sure to use copyright-free images to enhance your website’s credibility.

Create at least four categories with different posts, ensuring that no post is repeated across categories. For further guidance on creating categories, you can refer to this helpful video.

6. Low Value Content – Fix

To avoid receiving low-value content feedback from the AdSense team, ensure that your articles are not written in AI language. Instead, hire a professional content writer who can craft content in a human-like style. Incorporate contractions, idioms, transitional phrases, interjections, and colloquialisms to give your content a more expressive tone. Avoid repetitive phrases and unnatural sentence structures. Create an interesting flow and pacing by varying sentence lengths and structures. Aim for a 4th-grade reading level, as per the Hemingway criteria, and set the temperature to 2 for a creative and expressive output. All content should be in English.

By following these tips and improving your content and website, you’re on your way to securing Google AdSense approval quickly. Best of luck!

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